Promise to Dolly Parton...

Posted Apr 04, 2012

Sarah Jayne, UK and Europe's Leading Dolly Parton Tribute Act (as said by Kenny Rogers) is hosting the Inaugural Golf Classic, Dinner and Fundraising benefit in support of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.

The Imagination Library is a book-gifting scheme, created by Dolly Parton, for under-fives. This provides children in the UK age-appropriate books once a month until they reach their fifth birthday.  The books are personally addressed to the child at their home address.

Sarah Jayne made a personal promise when she met DOLLY PARTON HERSELF that she would hold this event when they met during Dolly’s World Tour. are privileged to sponsor this fantastic event and urge you support this brilliant cause. Full details at

Even if you cannot attend, you can still do your bit as are proud to provide on-going support and you can make your clicks count in raising much needed funds as we aim to help them carry on doing great things for these kids but…. we cannot do this without YOU. Members Zone RegisterEvery new Member Zone Registration will trigger a donation to the Fund so if you’re not a Member, get clicking now and PLEASE help us to spread the word by simply clicking the button to the right and forwarding this to someone else. This is simply an email from Recommend Usyou and we do not collect this data.

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