Quick Tip of the Week!

Posted Feb 11, 2006

Ever thought 'we need a hook there' then felt really pleased that self-adhesive hooks had been invented??

I have..but invariably changed my mind when said hook is no longer required! Panic not a simple hook need not end up as a redec..or even plaster<lol> as they can be simply and easily removed with those store cupboard goodies!

To remove from a tile...drip vinegar behind it and scrape off any residue with a dull knife.

To remove from a painted or plastic surface...soften stubborn residue with a warm rag or hairdryer

To remove from an unpainted surface...use surgical spirit, methylated spirits, hair spray or nail polish remover BUT remember to test these on an inconspicuous area first.

If you have a top tip, send it on in and we will feature you in our top tips gallery coming soon...


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